Woolen rugs


traditional design

and modern models

The Dywilan carpet collections include both carpets with heavy, traditional designs reminiscent of early Persian rugs, more modern models in muted colors, and those designed for children's or teenage rooms, stimulating with colors and adorned with patterns conducive to learning and play.

Our wool carpets come in various qualities; pay attention to the technical parameters provided with the collection. Choose the best density and pile height for yourself.

Woolen rugs


Wool rugs offer:

  • softness and fluffiness to the touch,
  • resistance to wear,
  • high resistance to fading from light,
  • high absorbency,
  • resistance to dirt and stains,
  • natural, biodegradable material,
  • consistent appearance in terms of structure, pattern, and color during prolonged use.

Recommended collections

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General maintenance principles for wool carpets:
Protect the carpet from moisture, avoid soaking the carpet.
Regularly vacuum the carpet - in the initial period of use (about 6 months), use only a gentle plastic nozzle, avoid using a brush attachment.
Immediately remove stains and (...)

Cleaning a synthetic carpet can be relatively straightforward if you use appropriate methods and cleaning agents. Here are a few steps you can take to effectively clean a synthetic carpet:
Regular vacuuming: Regular vacuuming is crucial for maintaining the cleanliness of a synthetic carpet. (...)

Remember, regular carpet maintenance and the use of appropriate tools and methods can help effectively remove pet fur. Removing pet fur from a carpet can be a time-consuming task, but there are several effective methods that can help:

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